African Bridge Tourism

Are you a keen bridge player planning to visit Africa for game viewing, exploring ancient African monuments or just lounging on one of our idyllic palm tree fringed sandy beaches - and in between pitting your bridge skills against those of the locals in their friendly bridge clubs?

Or you might be more adventurous and want to take the luxury train from the shadow of Cape Town's Table Mountain all the way to Mombasa, playing bridge all the way as you take in the Victoria Falls and some of Africa's top game parks. Further north, you could participate in bridge cruises on the Nile while gasping at the wonders of ancient Egypt.

What better ways to explore the highlights of Africa while bidding slam after slam with all of them scored on the BriAn bridge app and recorded for posterity in the Bridge for Africa Pianola website?

You can contact Bridge for Africa for assistance in preparing an itinerary that includes plenty of friendly bridge!

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