Bridge for Africa provides the following services to its client clubs, whether affiliated to SABF or not: • bridge club is listed on the Clubs page of the Bridge for Africa website (with a hypertext link to the club's website if any) • bridge club's regular face to face and online sessions are listed in the Bridge for Africa calendar with contact details • club can use the BriAn cell phone bridge scoring app at a special rate of R 2 per player per session • results of each bridge club session are uploaded to Pianola website, with personal results sent by E-mail to each participant • special one day or weekend club tournaments will be advertised on the Bridge for Africa website and in E-mail newsletters. • club's chairperson / president is listed on the People page • bridge club is promoted to overseas tourists visiting Africa • club's players can participate in face to face and online interclub tournaments organised by Bridge for Africa. • bridge club players can participate in any Zoom bridge teaching courses organised by Bridge for Africa
I In order to most effectively provide these services, the name and E-mail address of each club player is uploaded to the Bridge for Africa Pianola database where their results will also be recorded.
The cost of this basket of services is R 500 per club per year.
Services for Players
Finding a bridge club
Playing in bridge sessions organised by member clubs and receiving results by E-mail from Pianola which includes bridge tips
Accessing results from multiple clubs on the Pianola website and analysing your personal performance
Playing in regular BBO tournaments at a competitive price of BB$ 2.00 without having to be a federation or union member; results are uploaded to Pianola and sent to player by E-mail
Playing in regular RealBridge teams competitions (each will be priced separately)
Using online resources to learn and improve your game
Attending Zoom lectures by bridge experts
Winning prizes in multiclub and multisession competitions
Receiving monthly E-mail newsletter with news, details of upcoming events, competition results and bridge tips
Participating in a Pianola Masterpoint system
Services for Sponsors / Advertisers
Sponsors receive the following package @ R 5,000 per year (during first year):
Logo and text with link on Bridge for Africa website home page
Logo with text and link in each monthly Bridge for Africa newsletter
Monthly report on exposure provided
Please can contact us for more options.
Services to Bridge Teachers
Bridge teachers are encouraged to register to be included in a directory of teachers on the Bridge for Africa website (this is a free service) and to participate in beginner RealBridge sessions.
Bridge teachers who are prepared to run Zoom workshops should contact Bridge for Africa.